Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Wow writing

We are learning to illustrate our stories.
Well done Rhian
We are learning to illustrate our stories.
Well done Dylani.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Sound of the day...

clock       clip        clown
clap         click      clothes
clever      class

We made a clock puppet

At Maths time were learned all about 
telling the time. To help us learn 
we made our own clocks.

What's the time on our clocks?
What's the time on our clock?
What's the time on our clocks?

Te kupu o te wiki - Word of the week



Sample sentence:

Kei hea taku waea?

Where is my phone?

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Click on the image and play the game

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Our School Community........

Today at our school assembly we celebrated new children starting school and great work by Rata and Kauri Block students.  
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and families who came to our assembly.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Letter of the Day

These are some words we thought of that start with X.....
xray, xylophone

These are some words we thought of that have an 
X in them...
Max, fix, Fix it Max, exit, exercise, 
mix, box, fox, six, axe, xxx(kisses)

Look at the boxes we made!
Friday is our Art Day.
We experimented with painting dots within our frame.
Watch this space to see how our art work develops!

Te Kupu o te Wiki

The new word this week is engari, but.

Sample sentence:

Kei te pai au, engari kei te tangi ia.
I am OK, but she is crying.

So far you know.......
engari - but
nau mai - welcome
poitarawhiti - netball
heihei - chicken
apopo - tomorrow

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

This week we have been talking about our families as the first part of our Celebration Inquiry Unit.

These were our questions.....

Who is in our family?

What do our families do?

How are our families different?

How do our families celebrate?
Great draft writing Arielle

Now we are 12............

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Our Day through the eyes of our 
Class Photographer......... Ethan

Arielle is doing her printing.

Jesse, Rhian and Dylani are my friends at school.

This is my house. Mum, Dad, me and Jacob
live in my house. I have a dog called Mika.

Dippy Duck is the Letterlander of the day.

This is a photo of Finn doing his printing

We are making number stories with the penguins.