Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Photographer of the Day

We are so lucky to have our own class iPad.
Today Emily was the Photographer of the day. Here are the photos she took with our class iPad.

These are our sticker charts.

This is my friend Maia. She is playing on the ipads.

OUR DAY......

Monday, 28 July 2014

Te kupu o te wiki

The word of the week is heihei - chicken

Kei te kai heihei tätou?

Are we having chicken? 

Welcome and Happy Birthday Jesse

Custom Glitter Text

Today I am playing with my Mummy.
We are playing tag. We are having fun.
Today Koro dropped me off to school.
The sun is shining today.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

In Maths we are learning about Time and sequencing events.

We read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle and talked about the days of the week. We made our very own caterpillar and then we put the days of the week in order.

Can you say the days of the week in Maori?

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Happy Birthday and welcome to Papakowhai School Ethan

Custom Glitter Text

Great writing today Maia

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

A BIG Welcome to Maia, our newest class member! on PhotoPeach
Te Wiki o te Reo Maori
Maori Language Week

The theme this year is Te Kupu o te Wiki - word of the week.
The word this week is apopo - tomorrow.
Ka haere au ki te kura apopo.  I will go to school tomorrow.

We can ask:  Ko wai to ingoa? - What is your name?
and we can reply: Ko....ahau. - My name is....

Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Maia ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Ronin ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Jenna ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Arielle ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Finn ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Dylani ahau.

 Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Emily ahau.

Ko wai to ingoa?  Ko Rhian ahau.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Celebrate Maori Language Week:

click on the image to find out more..........

Friday, 4 July 2014

Pyjama Day!

 Today we came to our pyjamas!!

 Grandpoppa and Pam brought these pyjamas for Max from America. 

Oscar chose this car onsie for himself.

 Jessica's Nana gave her these heart pyjamas.

 Rhian went shopping with his Dad and bought these racing car PJ's.

 Ronin's Mum and Dad gave him ninja pyjamas for his birthday.

 Emily got these giraffe pyjamas from her Mummy and Daddy for her birthday.

 Finn pyjamas have Dusty from the plane movie on them.

 Arielle got Peppa Pig pyjamas for Christmas.

Dylan's Mummy bought him Lightning McQueen pyjamas because he needed them.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

A BIG welcome to school to Ronin, Arielle, Finn, Rhian and Emily. on PhotoPeach

We are very proud of our Matariki Artwork.